March 11 #HRISchat with Jason Averbook: How HR and IT Professionals Must Adapt and Adopt to Meet the Demands of Today’s Workplace

New Accenture research reports that “the vast majority of professionals surveyed (91 percent) agree that the most successful employees will be those who can adapt to the changing workplace, and nearly as many (89 percent) report that they thrive on or don’t mind change. Although technology is increasingly gaining traction in the workplace today, Dion Hinchcliffe notes in ZDNet that “its strategic adoption and meaningful application by the typical worker is actually just beginning.”



IM and Hive Tech HR (formerly Gaucho Group) are excited to be joined on the March 11 #HRISchat by HR technology expert and prominent industry thought leader Jason Averbook. In addition to guest moderating this session of #HRISchat, Jason will be providing the keynote ‘2014 and Beyond: How HR and IT Professionals Must Adapt and Adopt to Meet the Demands of Today’s Workplace’ at the opening session of the IHRIM 2014 Conference to be held on June 1-4, 2014 in Anaheim, CA.

Jason’s keynote at the IHRIM Conference will highlight:

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  • the future of work an understanding of what HR will need to do to prepare for the continued transformation of the workplace
  • how what we know and do today will look massively different into the future
  • points from his upcoming book “HR From Now to Next”
  • For more information on his keynote presentation, go to IHRIM 2014 Keynotes.


“The workplace is changing at mind-bending speeds, and the workforce is morphing along with it,” says Jason. “New technologies, evolving best practices, and an increasingly global, mobile working environment can yield amazing results for the corporations who can harness these developments successfully.”


We will be addressing the following questions during the #HRISchat:
Q1: What is happening in the world outside of HR that will require HR to move from Now to Next?
Q2: What capabilities does HR need to move from Now to Next?
Q3: What skills do we need to move HR from Now to Next?
Q4: Does technology play a role in moving HR from Now to Next?
Q5: How will technology shape the workplace over the next 12 months? 2 years?


New to #HRISchat? Don’t worry, it’s easy! Go to, enter HRISchat next to the # symbol and click “go.” It will likely prompt you to login to Twitter. Then just watch for the questions and provide your answers.


#HRISchat Session 18:
How HR and IT Professionals Must Adapt and Adopt to Meet the Demands of Today’s Workplace
Guest Moderator: Jason Averbook
Tuesday, March 11, 2014


We look forward to your participation Tuesday 3/11 at 12PM EDT/9AM PDT!

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