Pinning Jello® to a Wall: Regulating AI

The release of the European Union’s proposed regulation for AI started the conversation in earnest. AI (whatever that is) is creeping into every marketing pitch and every bit of commercial software. The consequences of badly wrought intelligent tools is not theoretical. The damage AI can inflict ranges from badly targeted advertising to life damaging decisions

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AI in Performance Management: Gong Rings the Bell!

For decades, while the theory of performance management has been studied, written about, and improved “on paper,” the actual process has made little progress. Most often, it is still largely a paper-based, period-bound procedure with inputs limited to subjective observations by some combination of three sources: the employee themselves, the supervisor responsible for the review,

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While You Were Working at Home: Enter AI

Technology didn’t stand still in the pandemic: tech changes very likely occurred in your workplace while employees were working at home. Coupled with the day-to-day changes of the new hybrid workplace, HR professionals will need to be prepared to wrestle with the impact on many fronts as they try to balance new product integration, introduction,

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AI and the Future of Talent Management

Last year, COVID-19 pandemic showed the fragility of traditional industries. While some verticals like brick-and-mortar retail were challenged by the rise of a new digital consumer, others like the tech sector, have grown more than ever, with their stocks at the highest levels in their history, and their challenge was not finding customers, but finding

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Elevating Employee Care with AI-Based Virtual Agents

The Perfect Storm In March 2020, as companies implemented new working procedures or announced widespread furloughs, HR Service Centers were faced with an unprecedented situation. Call volumes had increased dramatically, and the types of calls were completely different from what the service center had experienced in the past. The scenarios employees needed help with were

Elevating Employee Care with AI-Based Virtual Agents Read More »

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